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Recruiting an operator from the Foundation : process 1, 2, 3 insertion

Today the activities of our operators in our factories are closely related with the skills that in the years to come they will make available in your factories.

Each insertion results from the tight cooperation between production facilities and companies.  Process 1, 2, 3 Insertion driven by the Foundation gives to operators the opportunity to develop self-confidence and to the company the opportunity to anticipate optimal integration for them.

The procedure is validated through three steps : internship, availability and permanent contracts.




Thanks to the 1,2,3 Insertion approach, 75 insertions turned out to be a success since 2008 via 374 internships and 138 availabilities.

Over the last 20 years, more than 1,500 operators in the Foundation signed permanent contracts in various types of organizations (either in companies or in public administrations).



Our insertion partners

Insertion partners